More Net Neutrality


You're going to hear us talk about Net Neutrality on the podcast this week. Again. I believe this will be the 3rd time. We did an in-depth discussion on it in Episode 40. So, suffice to say, listen to episode 40 and episode 53. 

I won't prattle on here about all the stuff you've hopefully listened to on the pod, but I believe in Title II protection for telecommunications and firmly hold that internet providers do provide an equally essential service. Though the fight over how to regulate AT&T, Verizon and all the others has been boiled down to privacy and fast lanes, I think it's important for all of us to remember that this issue has even broader scope. FCC regulation of these companies is not only essential to keeping the internet an open space with egalitarian access, but it is now (thanks to 1980's deregulation and ignorance of monopolistic takeovers) the last line of defense against the mega-mergers which will take away our choice as consumers. It's not just a fight to keep what's on the internet truly accessible, it's a fight to keep the boot of monolithic corporatocracy from crushing the American consumer entirely.

See, Title II carriers are specifically prevented from gobbling up whole markets through multiple mediums. So, AT&T won't be able to own your satellite, cable, and phone lines. And, if they can't own all your access points the other fears are moot. AT&T won't sell your data or throttle your access as long as there is competition. So yea, while it may be scary that big companies are pushing to mine your data for more revenue, keep in mind that's a drop in the bucket compared to their eventual ownership of entire communicationsdelivery systems - start to finish. Title II may sound like a deep set of regulations to throw an industry into, but it's necessary. It's there for us.

If you want tons more history and how we've gotten to Title II as the linchpin of the net neutrality fight, John Oliver has two amazing videos on this. The first is the more informative, while the second dives into the renewed vigor behind Verizon's push on the FCC's new director. 

And, if you're moved - GO COMMENT on the FCC's resolution.

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